Domingo, 30 de Setembro de 2007


Actualizado:"Fiquei chateado pelo toiro ter agarrado o meu cavalo.Num impulso mandei-me para o chão e tentei como que desafiar o toiro num acto de coragem." É preciso ter lata...
publicado por Ridwan às 18:52
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Spike Spends Saturday With

"Spike Spends Saturday With is a new series in which VBS's creative director Spike Jonze tags along with different people for a day to get a better sense of them and what they do with their weekends."

publicado por Ridwan às 01:29
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Sexta-feira, 28 de Setembro de 2007

Hotel Chevalier

publicado por Ridwan às 19:07
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"- Como vai isso?
- Mal.
- Mal de quê?
- Se vai mal, porquê acrescentar-lhe ainda uma razão para ir pior?"
Vergílio Ferreira, Pensar
publicado por Ridwan às 19:03
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Quinta-feira, 27 de Setembro de 2007

The Hour: Henry Rollins

The Hour\The Henry Rollins Show
publicado por Ridwan às 22:24
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Quarta-feira, 26 de Setembro de 2007

May I Sing With Me

publicado por Ridwan às 23:24
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"Um dos meus grandes desafios na vida nunca foi apaixonar-me à primeira vista, acontece-me muito frequentemente, mas que se apaixonassem por mim à primeira vista. Depois da minha mãe, não creio que mais alguém se tivesse apaixonado por mim à primeira vista. Pensando melhor, depois da minha mãe é difícil recordar alguém que se tivesse apaixonado por mim." (1)
publicado por Ridwan às 17:49
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500 dias em 4 minutos

"En janvier 2006, j’ai commencé à filmer un peu chaque jour, pendant 500 jours. J’ai monté les 70 heures de rushes pour un résultat final de 4 minutes. "

cinq cents jours
Colocado por charlimars
publicado por Ridwan às 15:02
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Terça-feira, 25 de Setembro de 2007

Why Do the Terrorists Want to Hurt Me?

"On September 11th, 2001 a most vicious and dangerous enemy attacked our nation and gave a wake up call to every American. Now nearly eight years after that tragic day, a day that we pledged to never forget, there is a generation coming to a tender age that have never witnessed the evil achievements of the terrorists with their own eyes.

I feel it is my duty as an American, a Parent and as a man of faith to prepare this tender generation as well as the generations yet to come for the dark future that could lie ahead of them.  In today’s haze of liberal propaganda, it is hard to know whom to trust and these vicious left wing tactics of trying to dispel the obvious terrorist threats around us are only confusing our children.

It is my hope that my books will educate children at a young age to be aware of the terrorist’s threat abroad and at home.  My books embody the spirit of traditional American family values and teach our children to beware of whom they talk to and where they live.

So turn off the television, gather the family around the easy chair and enjoy these fun and educational stories that you can cherish in your family forever."(F)
Via World-O-Crap

A animação em flash deste «livro infantil» é tão ridícula que é difícil dizer se é uma paródia,ou o fruto de um ... «verdadeiro patriota».
Mas «Archi» não se fica por aqui,por lançar no site estão mais duas pérolas:Border Out of Order e The Bible Says “Boys Wear Pants, Girls Wear Dresses”

Border Out of Order

"This book shows how foreign languages and illegal aliens are working to undermine the security and the values of our country. Your children will learn about the broken borders and the invasion we natural citizen’s face everyday."

"In the first book we are taught that God has created boys and girls to be different from one another and to follow their ordained roles in life. Your children will learn that being a part of this great land requires certain convictions in the way we dress, act and worship, and that God has a wonderful plan for children who wish to be good little boys and girls."
publicado por Ridwan às 17:20
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Segunda-feira, 24 de Setembro de 2007

Os Pontos Negros

"No verão de 2005, 2 irmãos juntaram-se para gravar uma canção para uma compilação da Florcaveira que nunca chegou a existir. Depois disso, o Lipe juntou-se para adicionar mais uma guitarra a um projecto que almejava ser como que diferente dos alinhamentos tidos como convencionais. Hoje temos o Silas que nas teclas mostra como um baixo não é necessário para fazer uma banda de rock. Com o apoio e entusiasmo de Tiago Guillul (Ex-Comboio Fantasma, Lacraus...), e da restante equipa Florcaveira, os Pontos Negros têm gravado os seus originais espalhados por várias edições e têm conquistado fãs de todas as classes sociais de Portugal."
Os Pontos Negros EP
publicado por Ridwan às 19:26
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"As ideias comunicam-se. Os amores concretizam-se. As vidas preenchem-se. Conta-me qualquer coisa. Eu fui ao jardim da celeste giroflé giroflá. Eu queria ser ela. Eu sou assim. Eu acredito em deus. Escrevam nos braços esquerdos. Tapem os olhos. Pintem-se, usem marcadores, inventem. Apenas o eu é constante, junto ao pulso. Fundos amazónicos, fotografias de grupo, nudez, etc. O resto é com vocês."
Via Posto de Escuta
publicado por Ridwan às 19:20
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Sister Ros


Sister Rosetta Tharpe

publicado por Ridwan às 18:02
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Broken English

Vivien-How are things with your boyfriend?

Nora-Oh, it's over.

Vivien-Oh, is that why you're depressed?

Nora-No, that's not it.
I just feel like I have the worst luck in the world when it comes to men.
I think I must be doing something horribly wrong, but I don't know what it is.

Vivien-What happened?

Nora-Oh, he has a girlfriend.

You know, I can't quit thinking about how hard it must be for young women nowadays.
I mean, on the one hand,the world is wide open to you.
All the choices you want.
I think there are too many choices, really.
It just must be very confusing to try to find a path through all of that,especially with men, though you have had some very nice boyfriends.

Nora-I know...but that was college.
I don't know what happened.
I feel so closed off,so desperate to find someone to love.

Vivien-Oh, honey.

Nora-Even I can't stand the sight of my own desperation.

Vivien-Honey, hey,you know what?
You're in a funk,that's all,and there's only one way to get out of a funk,and that is to engage.
Even if you don't feel like it,just fake it.
Just go out and get the highest heels in town and some new lipstick and go everyplace.
Smile. Act like you're having the time of your life.
But don't always go with married couples.
You're never gonna meet anyone that way.

Nora-Sure. I'll give it a try, you know.

Vivien-You know... I could fix you up.


Broken English
publicado por Ridwan às 16:39
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Here's To The State of George W

here's to the judges of John Roberts,
who wear the robe of honor in a phony legal form,
and justices are stranger when the partisans report,
when the court elected a president it was the beginning of this war,

here's to the land you tore out the heart of,
John Roberts find yourself another country to be part of

here's to the government of Dick Cheney,
with criminals posing as advisors to the crown,
and they hope that no one sees the sites or that no one hears the sounds,
cause the speeches of our president are the remains of a clown

here's to the land you tore out the heart of,
Dick Cheney find yourself another country to be part of

here's to the churches of Pat Robert´s son,
oh the cross once made of silver now is turned to rust,
and the sunday morning services preach in fear of men in love,
and Heaven only knows in which God  they must trust

here's to the land you tore out the heart of,
Pat Robert find yourself another country to be part of

here's to the laws of Alberto Gonzalez,
congress will pass an act in the panic of the day,
and the Constitution's drowning in an ocean of decay,
and freedom of speech is dangerous we've even heard them say,

here's to the land you tore out the heart of,
Gonzalez find yourself another country to be part of

here's to the businessmen of George W,
who'll want to change the focus from Halliburton to Enron
and their profits like blood money spilled out on the white house lawn,
to keep their hold on power they're using terror as a con,
while the bombs they fall on children dont know which side...dont care which side that they're on

here's to the land you tore out the heart of,
George W find yourself another country to be part of

here's to the land youve torn out the heart of,
George W find yourself another country to be part of

publicado por Ridwan às 16:27
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Domingo, 23 de Setembro de 2007

Miss Rydell

So I gave her a ring
And not exactly an engagement ring
I tracked down her number on the Internet
It was the easiest thing
She thought I was rude
To call her at home
I said I was hurt by what she had written
In that review, and now I wanted to…
She told me "this conversation is over
Send me and e-mail when you're sober"
(And I wasn't even drunk)

Pelle Carlberg Go to Hell, Miss Rydell
publicado por Ridwan às 19:48
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Jazz Cats

publicado por Ridwan às 01:08
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Sexta-feira, 21 de Setembro de 2007

Frente e Verso...



Frente e Verso...
Um Mês Depois....
publicado por Ridwan às 22:11
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