Sexta-feira, 21 de Setembro de 2007

Canal+:Tribute to Serge Gainsbourg

Canal+:Tribute to Serge Gainsbourg

"Tribute to Serge Gainsbourg
On March 31st, a special evening dedicated to the man who brought an erotic note to French pop music."

Via Ads of the World

Gainsbourg & France Gall - Les Sucettes à l'anis
Colocado por kst75f

"Lorsque le sucre d'orge
Parfumé à l'anis
Coule dans la gorge d'Annie,
Elle est au paradis."

"Expliquez-moi le texte des Sucettes" Gainsbourg para Gall,coitada,não tinha ideia do duplo sentido,e nem com o videoclip,ela chegou lá...

publicado por Ridwan às 18:39
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Quinta-feira, 20 de Setembro de 2007

God Is Not Great

The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
publicado por Ridwan às 21:58
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Adeus Tristeza

"Adeus tristeza, até depois, chamo-te triste por sentir que entre os dois, não há mais nada pra fazer ou conversar, chegou a hora de acabar"(1)

Linda Martini - Adeus Tristeza
publicado por Ridwan às 16:53
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Quarta-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2007

Daft Punk

publicado por Ridwan às 23:44
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"- Sabes, lamento informar-te mas os Arcade Fire são muito comerciais, afirma com tom altivo.
- Mas isto não são os Arcade Fire..., respondo.
- ..."
publicado por Ridwan às 18:42
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Into the Wild

Shortly after Pearl Jam released Ten, a disillusioned twenty-something named Christopher McCandless dropped out of society, hitched cross-country and perished in the Alaskan wilderness. Now Eddie Vedder tells the young man's story on the soundtrack to Sean Penn's Into the Wild, tossing his weighty baritone onto earthy, folky tracks that temper the romance of absolute freedom with an eerie foreboding. Vedder strikes a cinematic tone on the jangly opener, “Setting Forth,” and ten more sketches that evoke days spent contemplating a vast skyline. Sleater-Kinney's Corin Tucker adds alluring harmonies to a rollicking cover of Indio's “Hard Sun,” and Vedder, free from the noise (and outrage) of his day job, disappears into the sublime beauty of the simple, banjo-plucked “No Ceiling.” (F)

There’s a big
a big hard sun
beating on the big people
in the big hard world

publicado por Ridwan às 17:09
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Segunda-feira, 17 de Setembro de 2007

Y The Last Man #6

publicado por Ridwan às 18:26
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Black Bombaim

"Duas guitarras, um baixo e uma bateria. Rock raivoso que vai de Led Zeppelin a Rage Against The Machine, passando pelo experimentalismo Sonic Youth. Temas instrumentais, alguns que com uma voz certa era a cereja no topo do bolo, outros em que era erro fatal e desncessário, pois a música da banda parece ganhar voz própria. Há stoner, rock puro e ás vezes pesado, restos minimalistas de punk, e garage-rock'n'roll a passear de mãos dadas com o experimental, sempre com tensão lentidão/explosão."(1)

Black Bombaim

publicado por Ridwan às 02:18
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Domingo, 16 de Setembro de 2007


Uma série que nos conquista logo pelo genérico ...

publicado por Ridwan às 18:09
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Sábado, 15 de Setembro de 2007

Waltz For One


The Real Tuesday Weld -  Waltz For One
publicado por Ridwan às 00:41
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"Aqui não entram pretos"

Sinto-me como uma gazela a pastar entre leões. O truque é agitar a juba e rugir.(1)
publicado por Ridwan às 00:09
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Quinta-feira, 13 de Setembro de 2007

Não Nada *

* "Não comem,não fodem...não nada" Rodrigo Gipsy
publicado por Ridwan às 21:23
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"Verdes Anos" - Luís Costa

"It's of course my own interpretation of the song, I didn't even try to recreate the original version cause it's completely unmatchable... I just tried to create something of my own based on the same feeling of alienation and "saudade" that I hear on the original version, hopefully people will see it as a decent tribute to the greatest portuguese musician that has ever lived.
Also, I've included a video for the song made by friend Paula Petreca, which shows her own interpretation in a beautifully artistic homevideo, check that out too!"(1)

Luís Costa - Verdes Anos
publicado por Ridwan às 20:01
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bLaugh:Modern Day Bully

bLaugh - The (un)Official Comic of the Blogosphere
publicado por Ridwan às 16:49
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I don’t wish to confront Islam itself. I only want to spread the message that Muslims should be allowed to leave Islam behind without being threatened.
Young Muslims begin dangerous fight for the right to abandon faith
publicado por Ridwan às 06:27
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Quarta-feira, 12 de Setembro de 2007

When Nixon Met Elvis

When Nixon Met Elvis

Dear Mr. President.

First, I would like to introduce myself. I am Elvis Presley and admire you and have great respect for your office. I talked to Vice President Agnew in Palm Springs three weeks ago and expressed my concern for our country. The drug culture, the hippie elements, the SDS, Black Panthers, etc. do NOT consider me as their enemy or as they call it The Establishment. I call it America and I love it. Sir, I can and will be of any service that I can to help The Country out. I have no concern or Motives other than helping the country out.

So I wish not to be given a title or an appointed position. I can and will do more good if I were made a Federal Agent at Large and I will help out by doing it my way through my communications with people of all ages. First and foremost, I am an entertainer, but all I need is the Federal credentials. I am on this plane with Senator George Murphy and we have been discussing the problems that our country is faced with.

Sir, I am staying at the Washington Hotel, Room 505-506-507. I have two men who work with me by the name of Jerry Schilling and Sonny West. I am registered under the name of Jon Burrows. I will be here for as long as it takes to get the credentials of a Federal Agent. I have done an in-depth study of drug abuse and Communist brainwashing techniques and I am right in the middle of the whole thing where I can and will do the most good.

I am Glad to help just so long as it is kept very Private. You can have your staff or whomever call me anytime today, tonight, or tomorrow. I was nominated this coming year one of America's Ten Most Outstanding Young Men. That will be in January 18 in my home town of Memphis, Tennessee. I am sending you the short autobiography about myself so you can better understand this approach. I would love to meet you just to say hello if you're not too busy.


Elvis Presley

P. S. I believe that you, Sir, were one of the Top Ten Outstanding Men of America also.

I have a personal gift for you which I would like to present to you and you can accept it or I will keep it for you until you can take it.(1)

publicado por Ridwan às 23:23
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Green Minute: Ahmir Khalib Thompson

MySpace Questlove
publicado por Ridwan às 17:49
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