Sexta-feira, 30 de Maio de 2008

Provocação* Religiosa #20


*Porque hoje é Sexta-feira ,dia de virar-me para Meca
publicado por Ridwan às 10:46
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Quinta-feira, 29 de Maio de 2008

Coisa Ruim


Coisa Ruim- intro
tags: ,
publicado por Ridwan às 21:24
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Quarta-feira, 28 de Maio de 2008

Romulus, My Father

-Why can´t we go to the movies?

-We´ve got work to do.
You are measure as a men by your work,not by the movies you see.
A man´s work is his dignity.

IMDB | Torrent
publicado por Ridwan às 20:04
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Desvio #4

publicado por Ridwan às 19:57
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Terça-feira, 27 de Maio de 2008



Emily Jane White - Dagger



publicado por Ridwan às 14:20
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Maputo, ou la révolution heureuse

"Maputo est une capitale de la vieille Europe édifiée au bord de savanes en friches, une cité du XXe siècle plantée en plein XVe siècle. Un mirage, une île, une sorte d'Atlantide, une utopie des temps modernes : des avenues, de grands boulevards, des palais et des palaces, des chemins de fer, un Lisbonne tropical dont les buildings contemplent une flottille de rêves d'abondance, l'outre-mer à perte de vue. Derrière, l'or du Transvaal. Devant, l'océan Indien et ses épices. Ce devait être Manhattan. C'est Maputo. Une illusion. Les diplomates habitent avenue Mao Tsé-toung. Les bourgeois vont au spectacle entre les avenues de la Guerre-Populaire, Karl-Marx et Vladimir-Lénine. On fait ses courses avenue Hô-Chi-Minh. Les amoureux s'embrassent sous les ombres parfumées des jacarandas du front de mer, avenue Friedrich Engels. C'est beau comme tous les égarements. Si proches et si lointains. Maputo aujourd'hui, c'est La Havane après la mort de Fidel Castro. Un Cuba renaissant. Une révolution qui a bien tourné."[F]
publicado por Ridwan às 12:55
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Segunda-feira, 26 de Maio de 2008

They Live #2

They Live

They Live

They Live

They Live

They Live
IMDB | Torrent | Wikipedia
publicado por Ridwan às 18:27
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Yules - Warning To The Powerful Oratoring

Yules - Warning to the powerful oratoring
by kidamprod


"« Produits de premier choix », « fruits exotiques », « vins fins et liqueurs »… Tout dans l’épicerie fine de Perello rappelle la France de la IIIème République, celle de Jean-Pierre Pernaud et des produits du terroir chers à Jean-Pierre Coffe. L’épicerie a conservé son aménagement et sa décoration baroque ; entre la présentation dans les emballages d’origine, les bouteilles dans leur caisse en bois et les épices rares qui s’y trouvent, il y flotte comme un air de caverne d’Ali Baba. Baptiste du festival Generiq ne s’y est pas trompé, l’endroit est absolument unique, on ne pouvait rêver mieux pour la folk nostalgique de Yules."[F]


Yules - The Release
Yules - The Release [concert à emporter]
by kidamprod
publicado por Ridwan às 15:59
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Sexta-feira, 23 de Maio de 2008

Provocação* Religiosa #19

This Means Love by Peter Fuss


This Means Peace by Peter Fuss


Love and Peace by Peter Fuss


*Porque hoje é Sexta-feira ,dia de virar-me para Meca
publicado por Ridwan às 10:13
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Pastéis de Nata do Kentucky Fried Chicken

I'm not bluffing you! Your eyes are not bluffing you!

publicado por Ridwan às 01:23
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Quinta-feira, 22 de Maio de 2008

Persepolis #4

The Persepolis Mission Statement

THE CULTUREPULP Q&A: 'Persepolis' creator Marjane Satrapi

publicado por Ridwan às 23:53
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Música nas Lojas

 b (fachada)



 b (fachada)



Tiago Sousa



Tiago Sousa


b (fachada)

Tiago Sousa

publicado por Ridwan às 15:10
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Quarta-feira, 21 de Maio de 2008

Gimme Indie Rock

Sebadoh - Gimme Indie Rock


 Breaking down the barriers

 Like Sonic Youth

They got what they wanted

Maybe I can get what I want too

Come on indie rock

It's gone big

Come on indie rock

Just give me indie rock

publicado por Ridwan às 19:30
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The Man From Earth


...the philosophical teachings of jesus are buddhism
with a hebrew accent, kindness, tolerance, brotherhood, love, a ruthless realism acknowledging that life is as it is here on earth, here and now.
The kingdom of god, meaning goodness, is right here, where it should be.


"I am what I am becoming."

That's what the buddha brought in.


And that's what I taught.
But a talking snake make a lady eat an apple, so we're screwed.
Heaven and hell were peddled so priests could rule through seduction and terror, save our souls that we never lost in the first place.

It's been said that buddha and jesus
would laugh or cry if they'd known what was done in their name.


... and if there is a creator, he'd probably feel the same way.


I see ceremony, ritual, processions, genuflecting,
moaning, intoning, venerating cookies and wine, and I think...
It's not what I had in mind.

publicado por Ridwan às 18:50
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Terça-feira, 20 de Maio de 2008

Live at Other Music: Black Lips


"Yeah, we were a little bit scared when we booked Black Lips to play an in-store. Would they (and their combat ready fans — check the army helmet in the front row) tear apart the store? Would they blow the sound system? Would they pee on us? But our passion beat out our terror, and anyway, they wanted to play acoustic, so what could go wrong? And despite a reputation for alcohol-fueled mayhem at their gigs, by all accounts these guys are sweet, silly and a ton of fun, and they did not disappoint on any of these fronts. The band delivered a (vaguely) acoustic set of raucous songs from their recent Good Bad Not Evil album, as well as some classics. Afterwards our super-fan Pam sat down in the back room with Cole and Jared to talk about life on the road, dressing like ghosts, and their impending expedition to China. Don’t be frightened, enjoy!" [F]

publicado por Ridwan às 22:40
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Am i Free?


publicado por Ridwan às 20:24
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Confessions of a jazz singer

"Hmmn, well, Lover Man, I love that song. That song is me, if that makes sense. The music has to appeal to me first with a song. It has to reach me in three different places, two of which I will mention to a gentleman. It has to reach me in my heart. It has to reach me intellectually. And the other spot, I will not mention. And then the lyrics come in. And if the lyrics are true, then I can sing the song." [F]

publicado por Ridwan às 18:54
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