Everything is more complicated than you think.You only see a tenth of what is true.There are a million little strings attached to every choice you make.You can destroy your life every time you choose.
But maybe you won't know for 20 years and you may never, ever trace it to its source.And you only get one chance to play it out.Just try and figure out your own divorce.
And they say there is no fate,but there is,it's what you create.
And even though the world goes on for eons and eons you are only here for a fraction of a fraction of a second.Most of your time is spent being dead or not yet born.
But while alive,you wait in vain wasting years for a phone call or a letter or a look from someone or something to make it all right.And it never comes,or it seems to,but it doesn't really.
So you spend your time in vague regret or vaguer hope that something good will come along.
Something to make you feel connected.
Something to make you feel whole.
Something to make you feel loved.
And the truth is,I feel so angry.
And the truth is,I feel so fucking sad.
And the truth is,I've felt so fucking hurt for so fucking long.
And for just as long,I've been pretending I'm okay just to get along,just for...I don't know why.Maybe because no one wants to hear about my misery because they have their own.
Well, fuck everybody.
Sometimes, I don't know,
I guess I just wonder when it all starts to make sense, you know?
Well, I guess there comes a point, you see, when you reach a certain age and you're in Jersey,or someplace just like it,and...you stop trying to figure it all out.
You just...are glad for what you have.
And that...that just, like, happens for everyone?
Yeah. Pretty much.
But you let me know if it turns out different for you.
Escutem-me, meus irmãos!
Quando me alistei, ouvi o que disse o General De Gaulle.
Ele disse que a França lutava pela liberdade no mundo.
Pensei que a guerra nos daria os direitos dos nossos irmãos de armas franceses.
Estamos todos a lutar contra Hitler.
Pela liberdade, a igualdade e a fraternidade.
Está na hora de nos darem alguma dessa liberdade,dessa igualdade e, acima de tudo, dessa fraternidade!
Estamos a mudar o destino da França.
As coisas também têm que mudar para nós!
We're not evil sinners or perfect knockoffs of God.
We let the world tell us whether we're saints or sex addicts...sane or insane...heroes or victims...whether we're good mothers or loving sons.
But we can decide for ourselves.
-I want to be a superstar.
- Like who?
- Nicole Kidman.
-She gets $20 million for a movie.I wouldn't mind being her either.
-I want to be an entrepreneur.
-What kind of business?
-Any kind, as long as it's really big.Big business always pays out.
-Why not?
-I want to be a poor person.
My dad says if you have integrity......don't bullshit, don't fight,
and study really hard......then people will respect you even if you're poor.
...you didn't claim to be the son of god?
Began as a schoolhouse and ended as a temple.
I said I had a master that was greater than myself.
I never said he was my father. I wanted to teach what I learned.
I never claimed to be king of the jews,
I never walked on water, I never raised the dead.
I never spoke of divine except in the sense of human goodness on earth.
You weren't Jesus.Were you?
This has gone far enough.These people are very upset.
The time has come when you must admit this is a hoax...A lie.
I ask you now...I demand it that you tell these people the truth.
Give them closure.
...the philosophical teachings of jesus are buddhism
with a hebrew accent, kindness, tolerance, brotherhood, love, a ruthless realism acknowledging that life is as it is here on earth, here and now.
The kingdom of god, meaning goodness, is right here, where it should be.
"I am what I am becoming."
That's what the buddha brought in.
And that's what I taught.
But a talking snake make a lady eat an apple, so we're screwed.
Heaven and hell were peddled so priests could rule through seduction and terror, save our souls that we never lost in the first place.
It's been said that buddha and jesus
would laugh or cry if they'd known what was done in their name.
... and if there is a creator, he'd probably feel the same way.
I see ceremony, ritual, processions, genuflecting,
moaning, intoning, venerating cookies and wine, and I think...
It's not what I had in mind.